When you were a girl,
you loved a kitten
with such fierceness
that you ground your
teeth telling her how
cute she was. It took
heavy boulders of
self-restraint to keep
yourself from tickling
her furry belly when
she trusted you by
rolling on her back,
pawing her soft pads
in the air. You melted,
but you were purposeful
in your answering tenderness.
Now the question is if you
have the wherewithal to
turn that gentle fondness
inward? Can you chuckle at
your own silliness for misplacing
your phone again? Can you
find it adorable when you
make a public mistake? Can you
call yourself sweetheart and feel
that warm surge of affection?
Can you look at your reflection
in unflattering light, taking in
the cellulite dimples on your
fish belly thighs and say,
I see you, without a pinch of
irony or regret?
Would reality crumble
if you were to say to that person
in the full-length glass that
she is good enough? That she
is worthy of this sustained,
loving gaze, even without
achievement? That she never
disappoints any heart that truly
listens to her deep hunger?
And what is your heart's cry?
The one beneath the lesser
voices of the brutal critics,
the craven armor bearers,
and the justifiers with their
glossy paintbrushes? Is it not
for the love you once lavished
on that small stray? The
unearned approval that we
call amazing grace?
Can you not find your own
mew of hunger as compelling,
as irresistible as the kitten's cry?
With the twinkle of a grin,
God is nodding in assent.
What if all the world frowned
in negation? What if you and God
stood on one side, and all the
rest voted elsewhere? Whose
endorsement counts for more?